Hello virtual world. . . finally I am utilizing an outlet to share, most importantly expose my Bubble, and all it has to offer. You all should know, the Bubble has been in existence since I was a teen, although I myself didn't acknowledge its power or embrace it until my early twenties. Through my journey's very few have fought the existence and power of the Bubble, but many have commented. I believe everyone has a hidden bubble that they don't empower. . . .but hey that's better for us that do-too many bubbles just don't make for a happy place :-) I wish to use this blog to share my thoughts and experiences; treats and secret finds; to inform, engage, and inspire as I experience and expand in knowledge, culture and society. So please do come for the ride, I promise it will be an unforgettable one. . . good times had by all!
Bubbly Yours,
Dana Storm
The Bubble a/k/a Elmo's World The Remix
Bubbly Yours,
Dana Storm
The Bubble a/k/a Elmo's World The Remix
thanks lol you inspired me along with missaimstar
alright now you have to post regularly!!!
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