Sunday, January 17, 2010

Heavy Eating with a Light Conscience - Dine Out for Haiti

If you are a frequent diner like myself and crave the ambiance and experience, why not do it for a great cause. With the recent tragedy in Haiti, NYC renowned Chef Philippe Massoud  of Ilili Restaurant is organizing restaurants to get involved in Haiti relief: restaurants will donate 10% of every bill, an servers have the option so to donate 5% of gratuities to help the victims of Haiti's catastrophic earthquake. Dine Out for Haiti will be Jan. 24-25th.

Some NYC participating restaurants  include . . . .
If you are in LA, check out this listing Dine Out for Haiti for restaurants participating on the West Coast, on January 19th. 
Bubbly Yours,
Dana Storm
The Bubble a/k/a Elmo's World The Remix

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